In the period from July to September 2014 in the South of Kazakhstan the weather was unusually hot and dry, which contributed to the emergence of forest and steppe fires in Almaty and Almaty region. Burundaiavia crew consisting of: pilot-in-command A. Chebotkin, co-pilot I. Karakulko, flight engineer S. Snissar took an active part in liquidation of forest fires in the foothills of Zailiyskiy Alatau, adjacent to Almaty city. In the period from July to August 2014 the crew to extinguish the fires was performed 39 flight hours and committed 71 drops by water discharge device with 3 tons of water each for fire hazards. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan appreciated the dedication and hard work of the crew and awarded all crew members with breast signs “FOR ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN THE RESCUE OPERATIONS.”
Burundaiavia crew has been awarded with medals for active participation in rescue operations